Individualized look
The design and feel of the micro-market can be altered to really make your break room stand out.

Customized products
Micro-market offerings can be tailored to the needs of your employees and corporate wellness programs.

Modernized payments
Employees can pay with a micro-market account as well as cash, credit/debit cards, or mobile wallet.
Micro-markets combine on-demand refreshment with reassuring security features.
Fully secured payments
Whether you use a credit card or micro-market account, the payment information is encrypted and protected.
Wireless monitoring
Via the internet, each micro-market is constantly updating headquarters and reordering products.

Accessible 24/7
Micro-markets allow employees to refuel at all hours of the day and night, including weekends and holidays.
Extensive security
Digital video cameras and anti-theft software keep the micro-market safe and a benefit to employees.
Add a break room service solution that will impress Seattle, Tacoma, or Puget Sound employees — a micro-market from Vista Vending at 253.592.2843; service@vistavendingnw.com.