Reasons To Work For A Seattle, Tacoma, Puget Sound Area Vending Service Provider

With so many Seattle, Tacoma, and Puget Sound companies looking for employees, workplace culture is more important than ever. At Vista Vending, this has always been first and foremost. We take the ideals of a small company and use them to treat our employees right, especially as we grow.

Culture of appreciation

Yes, all of us here have a job to do, but the employees at Vista Vending are like a family. We cooperate between departments to bring vending machine or pantry service to Seattle, Tacoma, and Puget Sound break rooms. To ensure our employees feel like family, we have a strong recognition program. 
Each month, we feature one of our employees on social media. We post their picture and give them a shout-out for being amazing. They’ve told us it makes them feel good and better know that their work is appreciated. Plus, when a big holiday comes up, we host a company party. Think a catered meal, raffle prizes, and of course, a cornhole tournament.

Customer-facing option

Besides recognition, it’s important for us in the Seattle, Tacoma, and Puget Sound area to listen to our employees’ wants and needs. Some people love a good conversation with a stranger. Others would prefer a job working on their own. Vista Vending has opportunities for all sorts of personalities. If you are a “people person,” you might enjoy working as a route driver or on an office coffee service route. You’ll get to interact with lots of people on location as you fill machines and/or drop off products. There’s a lot of independence to the job as well. 

Back-of-the-business work

Vista Vending appreciates Seattle, Tacoma, Puget Sound employees

If you would rather come into work and do your job without talking to customers, we have warehouse work that can be the right fit. In the warehouse, workers pick products for the drivers to take to different locations. We’ve invested in warehouse technology that makes this easy and efficient. Our company couldn’t run without these hardworking people.  

Part of the refreshment industry

Probably the best part of working for Vista Vending is how our service supports local businesses. Everything we do, from installing a micro-market at a Seattle, Tacoma, or Puget Sound call center, to stocking a school vending machine, supports the local community. The people that use our services live and work in this area. They love having food, snacks, and drinks available to them, and often look to us in order to do their job better. That helps us take pride in what we do and keep our level of service above and beyond. 
Vista Vending is a team of 30 and growing every day. If you are dependable with a desire to be part of a terrific team, consider applying. You can apply online or just give Vista Vending a call at (253) 592-2843.