Comfort Foods | Seattle Micro-Markets | Break Room Refreshments | Refreshment Solutions

Comfort Foods for Your Seattle, Tacoma, and Puget Sound Micro-Market

Our break room solutions are designed to provide employees with meals and refreshments they’ll love. If you want to satisfy employees and boost company morale, it might be time to consider our Seattle, Tacoma, and Puget Sound micro-markets. It’s the perfect addition to your office break room. So, what foods and refreshments should you include in your micro-market? How about comfort foods?

It’s a good idea to include a variety of options everyone can enjoy and that includes their favorite comfort foods! After all, there’s nothing better than indulging in a warm and gooey meal for lunch every once in a while. In fact, eating comfort foods can help soothe employees on stressful workdays. Yep, that’s right! A comfort meal is more than just a tasty treat. 

Are you ready to take your Seattle, Tacoma, Puget Sound micro-market to the next level? These are the comfort food options your employees will love! 

Mac & Cheese is the king of comfort foods

Comfort Foods | Seattle Micro-Markets | Break Room Refreshments | Refreshment Solutions

What’s better than a cheesy spoonful of mac & cheese? The answer is not much! Help employees feel like a kid again with mac & cheese in your micro-market. Whether it’s for a snack or main dish, everyone will appreciate the delicious break room addition. In fact, they can even make an “adult” version by adding bacon, caramelized onions, or prosciutto. Now that’s gourmet! 

Grilled Cheese

A delicious bite of a grilled cheese sandwich can instantly transport you back to your childhood home on a chilly day. Plus, it’s easy to make this comfort food whether you are a great chef or a novice cook. Therefore, everyone will be able to enjoy this comfort food option in their Seattle, Tacoma, Puget Sound micro-market. Moreover, pair it with your favorite beverage to make lunch that much more special. 

Spaghetti With Meat Sauce

For something as filling as it is comforting, try spaghetti with meat sauce. This meal will fill you up and keep you satisfied all day. In fact, it’s so satisfying that it will be hard not to go back for seconds. Not to mention, it can be eaten cold or warm for lunch. Make it “fancy” by adding garlic, hot pepper flakes, and cheese. Yum! 

Comfort foods Can Be Comforting

Just like the name implies, comfort foods can be comforting! These foods have the power to soothe us and make us feel nostalgic. This can be especially important when stress starts to set in. Therefore, it can be helpful to get a delicious, filling meal during a busy workday. A great Seattle, Tacoma, Puget Sound micro-market can give employees what they need to succeed at work. Not only that, but they’ll feel happier and appreciated in the workplace. 

Get a Customized Micro-Market for Your Crew

So, make every employee’s lunch break better with a micro-market! Trust us, they’re going to appreciate it! With a company micro-market, your team can enjoy their favorite comfort foods at the office.

To enhance your Seattle, Tacoma, or Puget Sound break room, contact Vista Vending at (253) 592-2843 or email We can help you find refreshment solutions that work for your business.  

Seattle Office Coffee | Gourmet Coffee and Tea Service | Workplace Culture

How a Seattle Office Coffee Service Is the Ultimate Employee Perk

Seattle Office Coffee | Gourmet Coffee and Tea Service | Workplace Culture

When it comes to providing employees with work perks, it’s the smallest things that can go a long way. For instance, a Seattle office coffee service might seem like a simple addition. However, it can make a world of a difference in how employees feel throughout the day. Besides, most employees truly enjoy a morning dose of caffeine. It can also positively affect their satisfaction with the company as a whole. It will show them that their employers care to make their days at the office worthwhile with the personal touches like a high-quality coffee service.

So how can implementing a Seattle office coffee service really benefit your workplace? Keep reading to find out.

Coffee Service Increases Employee Satisfaction

When workers are satisfied with their Seattle refreshment services, your company is likely to increase productivity and reduce turnover rates. Therefore, it’s important to offer great workplace break room solutions. Adding gourmet coffees and teas into your company kitchen lets employees know they’re taken care of. Additionally, It gives them the opportunity to take more meaningful breaks at work. This time away from their desks and stretching their legs is essential to keeping them relaxed and happy to be at the office.

Boosts Office Morale

There are a ton of ways that a gourmet coffee and tea service can boost company morale. For example, employees will spend less of their income at coffee houses and more time in the office collaborating with peers. When you offer your Seattle employees complimentary refreshments, they can enjoy connecting with teammates and co-workers in other departments. These short walks to the in-office coffee machine can promote socialization among employees and team building. This can lead to new, innovative ideas to move the company forward.

Seattle Promote Office Productivity | Break Room Services | Single Cup Coffee Service

Coffee Service Improves Productivity

Employees need to stay alert and energized throughout their busy workdays. The option to have coffee and tea readily available just steps away from their desks will help them do that. Additionally, taking short breaks throughout the day is necessary to productivity. Therefore, taking a few minutes in between tasks to grab a cup of joe will keep employees on track.

Keeps Office Breaks On-Site

Getting to and from a cafe can take time. Therefore, if someone needs a caffeine kick in the afternoon, this trek can interrupt their workflow. Instead, provide employees with gourmet coffee and tea so they never even have to leave the office building. They’ll be able to get their work done and make it home in a timely manner. Again, this will keep employees satisfied with their workplace environment and more likely to look forward to each workday. Include an office coffee service in your Seattle micro-market today!

For the best Seattle refreshment solutions, give Vista Vending a call at (253) 592-2843.

Health in Seattle | Micro-Markets | Healthy Vending | Employee Benefit

5 Tips to Help Seattle Employees Maintain Their New Year’s Health Resolutions All Year Long

Health in Seattle | Micro-Markets | Healthy Vending | Employee Benefit

While the start of a New Year is a wonderful time for reflection and to set new health intentions, many abandon these health goals shortly after starting. Businesses in Seattle can help employees maintain their fitness and wellness goals all year long by setting them up for success in the break room. Whether your staff members are trying to eat better, drink more water, or work more steps into their day, you can set them up for success.

Here are five simple tips to help your employees achieve their healthy New Year’s resolutions all year long.

1.     Offer Healthy Snacks in the Break Room

Employees who mindlessly snack on cookies and candy all day can easily pack on the pounds. If your Seattle business wants to promote corporate wellness in the workplace, offer healthy vending machines in your break room. Employees can now replace their empty-calorie snacks with healthier alternatives, including fresh fruits, granola, nuts, and low-calorie chips.

Not only will these healthy options help employees keep off the weight, but healthy foods can also boost productivity and fend off afternoon grogginess.

2.     Have Water Freely Available

Dehydration can cause aggravation, headaches, and other health issues. Keep your staff happy, healthy, and hydrated by offering easily accessible healthy beverages in the office. Keep water coolers in the break room and throughout other parts of the workplace to encourage employees to drink more water.

Properly hydrated employees can enjoy more energy, decreased stress levels, and higher levels of concentration.

3.     Motivate Your Staff to Step It Up

For the most part, everyone can keep track of their daily steps with their smartphones or step counters. Seattle businesses can motivate their employees to achieve the recommended 10,000 steps per day by offering fun competitions and challenges in the workplace.

Encourage employees to get moving by offering recognitions or rewards for the worker who racks up the most steps. You can hold daily, weekly, or monthly step-count challenges and allow staff members to participate by signing up.

Seattle and Health | Corporate Wellness | Promote Productivity

4.     Provide Nutritional and Wellness Information

Many people have a tough time achieving their New Year’s health resolutions because they’re misinformed. Your company can help its employees stay healthy by educating them. Organize a wellness workplace seminar where health specialists can provide answers to all of your staff’s questions and concerns.

5.     Make Healthy Food Conveniently Available

One issue that may dissuade employees from fulfilling their health goals is inconvenience. Help them stay on track by stocking your business’s break room with healthy vending machines and micro-market solutions. This way, workers don’t have to leave the office in order to enjoy delicious and nutritious snacks and meals.

Healthy Vending Machine Services in Seattle

If you’re seeking healthy break room services in the micro-markets of Seattle, look no further than the industry experts at Vista Vending. We can help you personalize a plan for your workplace wellness needs in order to keep employees healthy. To learn more about our vending services, contact us today by calling (253) 592-2843. We look forward to serving you.