Employee Wellness Seattle | Tacoma Fresh Food | Bellevue Food Vending

Fuel Up: Ways Vista Vending Can Support Your Seattle, Tacoma, and Bellevue Employee Wellness Journey

With the summer here, Vista Vending is focused on wellness. We have a lot to offer your employees in the break room that can help them meet and even beat health and wellness goals. Keep reading for the products and services you can add to energize your team in all the right ways.

Wellness Driving Foods

Fresh food is a wellness must. We can make it happen in your break room with a Seattle micro market. The cooler has lots of room for top-quality foods made fresh. Your staff will be able to grab a salad, veggie-filled wrap, seasonal fruit, and more. It’s a great way to get whole foods at lunch or for a snack.

Make the healthy items even more desirable with a subsidy. Pay to make the good-for-you options the cheaper ones. Employees will love it and be more likely to choose what’s nutritious. Or, push the benefit even more with office pantry service where all the snacks and food are free.

Micro markets aren’t the only way to bring in healthy food. Vending machines can be stocked with nutritious snacks too. Jerky, keto-friendly, and even vegan treats are popular in Tacoma vending service. Plus they are great for supporting well-being.

Seattle Self-Pay Markets | Tacoma Office Water | Bellevue Employee Wellness Perks

Drinks to Support Health

It’s summer and with the heat, employees are at greater risk for dehydration. That’s why we offer a wide range of cold beverages perfect for replenishing the body. Check the Bellevue micro market for sports drinks, vitamin waters, fruit juices, bottled water, sparkling water, and milk options that replace electrolytes. Fortunately, many of these drink options can also be in cold beverage vending machines. Ask us about what’s right for your location.

How is your office water? Why do we ask? It’s because water is one of the healthiest drinks on earth. It’s all natural with no calories and boosts many bodily functions. That includes mood. So get your staff hyped to drink more water with a water filtration service from Vista Vending. It will remove unpleasant-tasting chemicals and particles that are dissolved in your water. What comes out of the tap, hot or cold, is delicious, pure-tasting water. This is perfect for office coffee service users too. Use filtered water in coffee brewers for a truer flavor to gourmet blends.

Wellness Partners in the Break Room

Take the hard work out of supporting employee well-being with Vista Vending. We have a mix of snacks, food, and drinks that will please your Seattle staff. This lets them choose healthier options while they work, which is a bonus for retention and productivity.

Get in touch with Vista Vending today for more information on our wellness programs. From fresh food markets to water filtering systems, we can make the break room a wellness perk. Call 253.592.2843 now to learn more.

Seattle Office Water Dispensers | Aquaverse | Filtered Water

3 Things to Know About the Aquverse Water Dispenser for Seattle Break Rooms

For companies today, promoting employee wellness in the break room is a top priority. If possible, workplaces also try to increase employee satisfaction. One often overlooked aspect of workplace well-being is water. Providing clean and refreshing water, such as with the Aquverse water dispenser, is an excellent way to encourage a healthy lifestyle. Water is the healthiest drink you can enjoy. However, people only want to drink it if it tastes good and is free of impurities.

At Vista Vending, we provide a reliable, high-quality Seattle water filtration service. One of our most popular options is the Aquverse water dispenser. These models are ideal for break rooms for many reasons. Here are three things to know about these water filtration systems:

What is an Aquverse Water Dispenser?

There are several Aquverse water dispensers. What makes them special? There are many water coolers out there. What makes these stand out is how convenient they are. Depending on your space and preferences, choose a countertop or freestanding option. This flexibility helps ensure your Seattle break room is always functional. Remember, we can customize your water service. Let us know what your needs are and we can help bring it to reality.

A water filtration system can help you save both money and the planet. Getting rid of single-use plastic bottles helps reduce waste. Plus, at Vista Vending, we keep our water filtration services cost-effective. Did you know that bottled water is often more expensive than a water cooler? Your company can also save money it would have spent buying and disposing of plastic bottles.

Which Aquverse Water Dispenser is Right for Your Office?

Your Seattle workplace is unique. Your water cooler should match your break room’s needs. It should also align with your employees’ preferences. So, what are the options? Here are the top three models:

Aquverse Water Dispenser | Seattle Employee Benefits | Bottlessless Cooler

  • Aquverse Countertop Model: Small and compact, this is great for a small space. Put it on your counter to serve hot and cold water. It fills up a large sports bottle easily. It will fill a 16-ounce bottle in as little as 8 seconds! So, don’t worry about long lines forming as people wait to fill their water bottles.
  • Floor-standing Aquverse 3PH Cooler: This water dispenser is perfect if you don’t want to use up counter space. It also offers unlimited fresh cold water. Or, make a cup of tea using the hot water.
  • Floor-standing Aquverse 5PH Cooler: Similar to the 3PH cooler, this model also has styrofoam insulation. That means it has improved efficiency. If you are working on going green, this is a major plus. It also offers a fast fill rate. Employees can fill up a glass or reusable water bottle quickly. Choose cold refreshing water or hot water for a hot beverage.

Any model you choose is a great choice. All you need is an electrical outlet and proximity to a sink. We’ll take care of the rest!

The Benefits of a Water Filtration System in the Office

Everyone needs a break from work sometimes. Chatting by the water cooler creates the opportunity for socializing. When employees get along well and are friendly, they tend to work better together. That can help create a positive workplace for everyone. The end result is improved productivity.

A water filtration service shows that your company cares about employee well-being. Fresh water free of impurities is the perfect healthy drink. You can add a water cooler on its own or install it next to your Seattle vending machines. In fact, filtered water can improve the taste of coffee and tea. Or, combine your water cooler with a Seattle micro-market. Together, these services can completely change your break room for the better!

No matter how you do it, adding a water dispenser to your break room is a win. Enhancing the space where your employees relax, collaborate, and build stronger social bonds is beneficial for your business.

Bring a Water Dispenser to Your Break Room

Are you ready to get started? Your employees will love sipping on cold water all day long.  Contact Vista Vending at 253.592.2843 or service@vistavendingnw.com for more information about our water filtration services. We look forward to working with you!

Healthy Beverage Choices | Seattle Vending | Healthy Products | Refreshment Options

3 Healthy Beverage Options to Keep in Seattle Break Rooms

Healthy Beverage Choices | Seattle Vending | Healthy Products | Refreshment Options

Not sure what kinds of drinks to supply in your Seattle office break room? The best place to start is with nutritious and healthy beverage options. Employees need the proper nutrients and energy to keep them focused and on track throughout the workday. Stock your break rooms with items like tea, flavored water, and other sugar-free refreshment options.

Our goal at Vista Vending is to keep every employee happy and productive through quality break room solutions. So keep reading below for three healthy beverage options to have available in your Seattle break room services.

“No Sugar Added” Products

Providing employees with products that are sugar and high fructose corn syrup free, will eliminate any afternoon crash. Luckily, there are a variety of sugar-free, refreshing drink options you can add to your Seattle vending machines. A few healthy drinks without added sugar include tea-based energy drinks, all-natural cold pressed juices, and anything that’s infused with essential B vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Hot and Cold Tea Options

Tea is a fantastic alternative to traditional soda. It provides natural flavor and energy for employees to sip on throughout the day. In addition, it has a slew of added health benefits. Drinking tea daily can protect heart health, aid in weight loss, regulate blood sugar, help with digestion, and even support overall mental health. These health benefits are a result of the many nutrients, antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties found in different kinds of teas. Finding great local tea options to include in your Seattle office coffee & tea service is a surefire way to support and retain employees.

Healthy Beverage Options | Employee Perks in Seattle | Beverage Vending Machines | Positive Lifestyle Choices

Flavored Water

Flavored sparkling water has become a growing craze over the past few years and for good reason. It offers the same delicious taste and carbonation as soda but with more health benefits. Stocking your Seattle micro-market with flavored water will also help keep workers hydrated throughout the day. Hydration is a key factor in staying awake and focused during long workdays. If possible, opt for a selection of different water flavors to provide a variety that your employees will love.

When you provide your employees with break room solutions that make them feel good from the inside out. Also, they’ll perform better and be happier at the office. Healthy beverages with no added sugar, a diverse selection of tea options, and flavored water all support your employee’s wellness.

If you’re looking for the best healthy beverage solutions in Seattle make sure to contact us at (253) 592-2843 or visit us at Vista Vending today!

Health in Seattle | Micro-Markets | Healthy Vending | Employee Benefit

5 Tips to Help Seattle Employees Maintain Their New Year’s Health Resolutions All Year Long

Health in Seattle | Micro-Markets | Healthy Vending | Employee Benefit

While the start of a New Year is a wonderful time for reflection and to set new health intentions, many abandon these health goals shortly after starting. Businesses in Seattle can help employees maintain their fitness and wellness goals all year long by setting them up for success in the break room. Whether your staff members are trying to eat better, drink more water, or work more steps into their day, you can set them up for success.

Here are five simple tips to help your employees achieve their healthy New Year’s resolutions all year long.

1.     Offer Healthy Snacks in the Break Room

Employees who mindlessly snack on cookies and candy all day can easily pack on the pounds. If your Seattle business wants to promote corporate wellness in the workplace, offer healthy vending machines in your break room. Employees can now replace their empty-calorie snacks with healthier alternatives, including fresh fruits, granola, nuts, and low-calorie chips.

Not only will these healthy options help employees keep off the weight, but healthy foods can also boost productivity and fend off afternoon grogginess.

2.     Have Water Freely Available

Dehydration can cause aggravation, headaches, and other health issues. Keep your staff happy, healthy, and hydrated by offering easily accessible healthy beverages in the office. Keep water coolers in the break room and throughout other parts of the workplace to encourage employees to drink more water.

Properly hydrated employees can enjoy more energy, decreased stress levels, and higher levels of concentration.

3.     Motivate Your Staff to Step It Up

For the most part, everyone can keep track of their daily steps with their smartphones or step counters. Seattle businesses can motivate their employees to achieve the recommended 10,000 steps per day by offering fun competitions and challenges in the workplace.

Encourage employees to get moving by offering recognitions or rewards for the worker who racks up the most steps. You can hold daily, weekly, or monthly step-count challenges and allow staff members to participate by signing up.

Seattle and Health | Corporate Wellness | Promote Productivity

4.     Provide Nutritional and Wellness Information

Many people have a tough time achieving their New Year’s health resolutions because they’re misinformed. Your company can help its employees stay healthy by educating them. Organize a wellness workplace seminar where health specialists can provide answers to all of your staff’s questions and concerns.

5.     Make Healthy Food Conveniently Available

One issue that may dissuade employees from fulfilling their health goals is inconvenience. Help them stay on track by stocking your business’s break room with healthy vending machines and micro-market solutions. This way, workers don’t have to leave the office in order to enjoy delicious and nutritious snacks and meals.

Healthy Vending Machine Services in Seattle

If you’re seeking healthy break room services in the micro-markets of Seattle, look no further than the industry experts at Vista Vending. We can help you personalize a plan for your workplace wellness needs in order to keep employees healthy. To learn more about our vending services, contact us today by calling (253) 592-2843. We look forward to serving you.