Seattle Office Breakfast | Tukwila Healthy Breakfast | Wellness

Top Benefits of Providing Healthy Breakfast Choices for Your Seattle Team

The morning rush and the pressure of finding a meal before work can lead to stress. By providing breakfast in the workplace, you alleviate this stressor. Employees can then start their day in a more relaxed and focused manner. Discover why it’s so important to offer a healthy breakfast and how to bring excellent options to your Seattle break room.

The Importance of a Healthy Breakfast

There’s a reason people say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Breakfast is the meal that gives Seattle employees the energy boost they need to start the day. A nutritious breakfast provides the essential nutrients and calories needed to kickstart the day with energy and vitality.

A healthy breakfast is part of an overall healthy diet. It can even help you maintain a healthy weight. Starting the day off with a nutritious meal reduces the likelihood of overeating later in the day.

Plus, a nutritious breakfast can help you take care of your heart. Begin your day with heart-healthy foods like whole grains, fruits, and nuts. These foods promote cardiovascular well-being.

Bringing healthy breakfast options to the break room means better well-being for your employees. There are many ways to include tasty, nutritious breakfast foods ranging from a Tukwila micro-market to an office pantry service or even a fresh food vending machine.

Healthy Breakfast Options for Your Seattle Break Room

What are some excellent nutritious breakfast options to include in your break room?

Egg Sandwiches:

Perfectly crisp toast and scrambled eggs make a delightful breakfast sandwich. The eggs pack in the protein, fueling you for a busy morning. Whole grain bread is a complex carbohydrate, helping you stay full until lunchtime. Complete this healthy breakfast with tea or coffee with our Seattle office coffee service.

Cereal and Milk:

Des Moines Breakfast | Healthy Vending Machines | Vending Services

This classic breakfast combination is popular with good reason. It’s quick, convenient, and easy. Plus, it can be healthy, too! Opt for low-fat milk for a great source of protein and calcium. There are also plenty of healthy cereal choices. Look for whole-grain cereals that are low in sugar, and high in fiber. Cereal and milk are easy to include in your Seattle office pantry service so that employees can always find a healthy breakfast.

Yogurt with Toppings:

How about a parfait for breakfast? Creamy yogurt, granola, and fruit make a delightfully tangy and nutritious breakfast. Or, top your yogurt with salty nuts for a flavor that combines nicely with the sweetness of yogurt, honey, and juicy berries. Employees can easily find yogurt in your Des Moines micro-market.


Warm and soothing for cold and rainy days, oatmeal is another excellent healthy breakfast choice. Known for being high in fiber, you can add protein to your oatmeal with a splash of milk or some nuts. Wash it all down with orange juice from one of the break room Seattle vending machines.

Fresh Fruit:

Start your day off with plenty of vitamins, minerals, and fiber from tasty fresh fruit. Not only is this breakfast option healthy, but it’s also bursting with sweet, juicy flavors that awaken your senses.

Top Benefits of Including Healthy Breakfast Options in the Workplace

There are many benefits to offering Seattle employees healthy breakfast options in the break room. Namely, it’s convenient. Your team can save time in the morning knowing that they can find breakfast at the office.

Plus, it can lead to increased productivity. No one can work well on an empty stomach. With breakfast refreshment solutions, if employees miss breakfast at home, they can find something healthy to eat at work. That way, they can focus well and concentrate.

Offering healthy breakfast options can also boost workplace morale. Employees feel valued when they see these options in the break room. Additionally, refreshment solutions encourage employees to spend time in the break room. That builds social bonds. Sharing a meal can strengthen working relationships.

Your Partner in Seattle Refreshment Solutions

Vista Vending is your partner in bringing healthy breakfast options to your Seattle workplace. We offer customized services that meet your unique needs. Contact Vista Vending at 253.592.2843 or for more information. We’d love to share more about our micro-market, office coffee, office pantry, and vending services.

Seattle School Vending Machines | Healthy Snacks | School Solutions

4 Healthy Options for Your Seattle School Vending Program

As the seasons change and a new school year begins, your school vending service deserves special attention. It’s time to offer something new. Why not bring in options that are tasty but also benefit student well-being? One way to help students get healthy is by adding nutritious options to your Seattle vending machines.

Why is healthy vending important? Plus, what are some healthy snacks that students will actually enjoy? Discover how Vista Vending can help provide the healthy Seattle school vending service you need.

The Importance of Healthy Vending for Seattle Schools

Healthy vending isn’t just a trend. It can help foster healthy habits that last a lifetime. In other words, the choices students make today can help create a bright future. When students have healthy options, they get the chance to make better food choices.

For students, eating well is important. According to Healthcare Journal, students perform better academically when they eat more fruit and vegetables. Offer more nutritious snack choices in your school’s Kent vending machines. That can empower them to succeed academically and beyond!

4 Wholesome Snacks for Seattle School Vending

Getting students to choose healthy options is easier than you might think. There are plenty of nutritious products to include in your Federal Way school vending machines. They can be tasty, too! Take a look at some popular choices:

1. Fruits

You might be surprised to learn that you can include fruit in your Seattle school vending program. It’s possible with our fresh food vending service. All of our vending services include modern technology. That helps us track product inventory and make sure your fresh food products are always fresh.

Seattle Break Room Solutions | Vending Service | Food Snacks

Fruit is one of the healthiest foods you can eat. It’s packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that support growth and development. Fresh fruits satisfy sweet cravings and nourish the body. Plus, fruit is tasty! It’s a favorite for students and teachers, making it perfect for your school vending machine.

2. Trail Mix

Trail mix is a blend of energy-boosting nuts, fiber-rich dried fruit, and chocolate for sweetness. The nuts are a great source of protein. That can help students stay fuller longer. It can come in many flavors and brands for everyone’s tastes. Overall, it’s a portable and satisfying snack that fuels students through their busy days.

3. Air-Popped Popcorn

It’s natural that students crave something salty. It’s easy to keep their snacking healthy with popcorn. Popcorn is a whole-grain treat that’s low in calories and high in fiber.  It’s a healthier alternative when students are in the mood for something to munch on.

4. Yogurt

Rich in protein and probiotics, yogurt is an excellent snack. Plus, it supports gut health and offers a boost of energy. If students miss breakfast, yogurt can help them make it through the morning. Yogurt is also very versatile. Enjoy it with a spoon or as a beverage. So, you can add yogurt to your Kent beverages vending machine.

Promoting Healthy Choices in Your Seattle School Vending

Promoting healthy choices starts with educating students. When students know better, they can make better choices. Plus, if students know about nutrition, they will be more receptive to healthy school vending.

Your school can go the extra mile by offering fun facts about healthy snacks. Plus, our Seattle vending machines include informative labeling. That can encourage students to make smart selections.

We offer a variety of refreshment solutions that can bring healthy choices to your Seattle school. Contact Vista Vending at 253.592.2843 or to learn more. We look forward to bringing healthy school vending options to your school! Doing so can help your students perform better and grow healthy and strong.

Seattle Office Water Dispensers | Aquaverse | Filtered Water

3 Things to Know About the Aquverse Water Dispenser for Seattle Break Rooms

For companies today, promoting employee wellness in the break room is a top priority. If possible, workplaces also try to increase employee satisfaction. One often overlooked aspect of workplace well-being is water. Providing clean and refreshing water, such as with the Aquverse water dispenser, is an excellent way to encourage a healthy lifestyle. Water is the healthiest drink you can enjoy. However, people only want to drink it if it tastes good and is free of impurities.

At Vista Vending, we provide a reliable, high-quality Seattle water filtration service. One of our most popular options is the Aquverse water dispenser. These models are ideal for break rooms for many reasons. Here are three things to know about these water filtration systems:

What is an Aquverse Water Dispenser?

There are several Aquverse water dispensers. What makes them special? There are many water coolers out there. What makes these stand out is how convenient they are. Depending on your space and preferences, choose a countertop or freestanding option. This flexibility helps ensure your Seattle break room is always functional. Remember, we can customize your water service. Let us know what your needs are and we can help bring it to reality.

A water filtration system can help you save both money and the planet. Getting rid of single-use plastic bottles helps reduce waste. Plus, at Vista Vending, we keep our water filtration services cost-effective. Did you know that bottled water is often more expensive than a water cooler? Your company can also save money it would have spent buying and disposing of plastic bottles.

Which Aquverse Water Dispenser is Right for Your Office?

Your Seattle workplace is unique. Your water cooler should match your break room’s needs. It should also align with your employees’ preferences. So, what are the options? Here are the top three models:

Aquverse Water Dispenser | Seattle Employee Benefits | Bottlessless Cooler

  • Aquverse Countertop Model: Small and compact, this is great for a small space. Put it on your counter to serve hot and cold water. It fills up a large sports bottle easily. It will fill a 16-ounce bottle in as little as 8 seconds! So, don’t worry about long lines forming as people wait to fill their water bottles.
  • Floor-standing Aquverse 3PH Cooler: This water dispenser is perfect if you don’t want to use up counter space. It also offers unlimited fresh cold water. Or, make a cup of tea using the hot water.
  • Floor-standing Aquverse 5PH Cooler: Similar to the 3PH cooler, this model also has styrofoam insulation. That means it has improved efficiency. If you are working on going green, this is a major plus. It also offers a fast fill rate. Employees can fill up a glass or reusable water bottle quickly. Choose cold refreshing water or hot water for a hot beverage.

Any model you choose is a great choice. All you need is an electrical outlet and proximity to a sink. We’ll take care of the rest!

The Benefits of a Water Filtration System in the Office

Everyone needs a break from work sometimes. Chatting by the water cooler creates the opportunity for socializing. When employees get along well and are friendly, they tend to work better together. That can help create a positive workplace for everyone. The end result is improved productivity.

A water filtration service shows that your company cares about employee well-being. Fresh water free of impurities is the perfect healthy drink. You can add a water cooler on its own or install it next to your Seattle vending machines. In fact, filtered water can improve the taste of coffee and tea. Or, combine your water cooler with a Seattle micro-market. Together, these services can completely change your break room for the better!

No matter how you do it, adding a water dispenser to your break room is a win. Enhancing the space where your employees relax, collaborate, and build stronger social bonds is beneficial for your business.

Bring a Water Dispenser to Your Break Room

Are you ready to get started? Your employees will love sipping on cold water all day long.  Contact Vista Vending at 253.592.2843 or for more information about our water filtration services. We look forward to working with you!

Seattle Break Room Solutions | Vending Machines | Micro-Market

Refreshing Solutions for Summer in Your Seattle, Tacoma, and Puget Sound Break Room

When summer arrives, it’s the perfect time to turn your break room into a refreshing place where employees can relax and recharge. With a few simple additions, you can make a welcoming space that becomes the go-to spot for your team. Below, we’ll share some ideas to get your break room summer-ready in Seattle, Tacoma, and the beautiful Puget Sound. From high-quality refreshment solutions to new snacks, we’ve got you.

So, are you ready to upgrade your break room solutions for the season? Keep reading to find out how!

Add Summer Drinks to Your Break Room

Nothing beats a cold and refreshing beverage on a hot summer day. Think about enhancing your break room coffee and tea service with a variety of iced coffees, iced teas, and cold brews. At Vista Vending, we offer a wide selection of beverages that will help your employees stay cool and energized throughout the day. By providing these options, you can eliminate the need for employees to step out of the office for their favorite summertime drinks.

Lighter Foods and Healthy Snacks

Tacoma Refreshment | Break Room Office Snacks | Coffee Service

In the heat of summer, employees often prefer lighter and healthier food choices. Enhance your Seattle, Tacoma, and Puget Sound micro-market by adding salads, wraps, sandwiches, and fresh vegetables. At Vista Vending, we can work with you to create a mix of fresh food that will complement your existing offerings. The best part? By offering healthy and tasty meals, you promote employee wellness and productivity!

Water Filtration and Ice Services

Provide your team with H2O on the go! Hydration is crucial during the summer months. Ensure your employees have access to fresh and clean water by putting the Aquverse water filtration system in your break room. This modern and sustainable solution offers high-quality filtered water, so employees can stay hydrated throughout the day. Additionally, think about adding an ice service. This way, you can provide an easy way for employees to cool down their beverages on warm days.

Refresh the Break Room

It’s time for a break room makeover! Take this time to give your team’s break space a lift. Replace old furniture with comfortable seating options. This will create functional spaces where employees can unwind. Consider adding games or a TV set to promote relaxation, collaboration, and social bonding among colleagues. By changing your break room into a nice and inviting space, you’ll create a positive environment. As a result, you can boost employee morale and engagement!

Beat the Heat With Vista Vending!

The time to update your Seattle, Tacoma, and Puget Sound break room is now. And, we’d love to help! Contact Vista Vending at 253.592.2843 for more information about our micro-market, office coffee, office pantry, vending, or water filtration services. We look forward to working with you!

Seattle Break Room Services | Tacoma Water Filtration | Puget Sound Micro-Markets

Top 5 Seattle, Tacoma, and Puget Sound Break Room Myths Debunked

Almost all companies have break rooms. However, these spaces might be dull. For example, a break room might only have one lonely coffee machine. Seattle, Tacoma, and Puget Sound break rooms can be much more! But a few myths may discourage companies from enjoying fantastic break room services.

Here, we’ll debunk five common break room misconceptions. As a result, you can make informed decisions about your refreshment solutions.

Myth #1: Vending Machines Only Offer Traditional Food

You might think you can only get traditional food for your Seattle vending machines, like chips and sodas. But that’s not the case. Vista Vending offers healthy foods and snacks. For instance, we have granola bars and nuts. Or, get energy drinks and juice. Our healthy options are endless!

We’ll help you choose the best products for your employees. Therefore, you can support workplace wellness. Healthy foods also boost staff satisfaction!

Myth #2: Only Large Companies Have Micro-Markets

Many people believe that only big companies can have micro-markets. That’s because they have more space. However, our Seattle, Tacoma, and Puget Sound micro-markets are customized to fit any space. We’ll design one that fits your business’s needs.

Additionally, you can personalize your products. Get fresh foods, tasty treats, or trendy drinks.

Myth #3: Break Room Vending Machines Use Too Much Energy

Seattle Office Coffee Service | Tacoma Break Room Technology | Puget Sound Healthy Beverages

You might assume that vending machines use lots of energy. As such, they’ll increase your utility bills. Luckily, our Seattle, Tacoma, and Puget Sound vending machines have LED lighting. Thus, they use less energy. This saves you money. It also protects the planet. Vista Vending makes offices greener!

Want to learn more about our vending technology? If so, contact us today. We’re always happy to chat.

Myth #4: You Must Have Cash to Pay for Products

Another common myth is that vending machines only take cash. This can be inconvenient. In actuality, our vending machines take many payment options. For instance, pay with your credit card. Or, use your mobile wallet. No cash? Not an issue at all!

Furthermore, our micro-markets accept cash, credit cards, and mobile wallets. The self-checkout kiosk is super convenient. Seattle, Tacoma, and Puget Sound employees can avoid long lines.  This saves them time. Thus, they can enjoy every minute of their lunch break.

Lastly, employees can create micro-market accounts. Then, they can pay through an app. Skip the kiosk altogether!

Myth #5: You Must Alert Vista Vending Whenever You Need Refreshment Restocks

Running low on supplies? You may think restocking is a headache. But that’s far from the truth. We keep track of product inventory remotely. Therefore, we’ll know when to refill your vending machines or micro-market. The same goes for Seattle, Tacoma, and Puget Sound office pantries. How convenient!

Enjoy Amazing Break Room Solutions

We hope we’ve put your mind at ease. Our Seattle, Tacoma, and Puget Sound break room services are convenient. They also fit any space. Plus, we have tons of product variety. Employees will never get bored!

We’ll help you find the best services for your needs. Call Vista Vending today at 253.592.2843 to learn more. We offer micro-market, coffee, and water filtration services.

Seattle Break Room Service | Tacoma Vending Technology | Puget Sound Water Filtration

How to refresh your Seattle, Tacoma, and Puget Sound break room this spring

Springtime is officially here! The sunny weather and good vibes brings the perfect opportunity to give your corporate office a refresh — starting with the break room! A great break room is a key component to fostering happy Seattle, Tacoma, and Puget Sound employees. For instance, you might decide to upgrade your micro-market with fresh and healthy choices to support employee wellness. Additionally, you can enhance your break room’s design and layout, introduce new beverage options, and more.

If you’re not sure where to start, we’ve got you covered! Vista Vending offers full-service premium break room services in Seattle, Tacoma, and Puget Sound. We’ll work with you to create a space that fits the needs of your business. So, are you ready for a major spring refresh? Here are a few simple ways to get started.

Upgrade your refreshment services

As the warm temperatures of spring and summer roll around, it’s essential for employees to stay hydrated. Therefore, consider upgrading your refreshment services with an Aquaverse. This is a high-quality water filtration service that provides employees with clean drinking water in your break room. Available in a countertop or stand-up version, the Aquaverse easily fits into any office space.

Pair it with your micro-market service so you can provide your team with refreshing beverages and fresh food for lunch! Customize your offerings and switch up your mix of refreshments with seasonal products employees can look forward to. Also, consider adding local fruits and veggies that make for delicious spring snacks. Employees will love the variety!

Seattle Office Coffee Service | Tacoma Micro-Markets | Puget Sound Break Room

Enhance your office break room space

A great break room isn’t just about the food. Create a space your employees can actually use and enjoy. For example, consider adding a few games in the break room. This promotes creativity and will increase productivity if employees can relax during their breaks. You might even decide to redesign the layout of your Seattle, Tacoma, or Puget Sound break room. Swap furniture for modern options or add art to the walls. If you create a space employees want to be in, they will be less likely to leave the office for refreshments, saving them money and time. What’s more, spring is the ideal time to deep clean your entire break room for a fresh-feeling space.

Encourage employees with positivity!

Help give employees a joyful look on their work days. Spring is a time when the flowers are blooming and the sun is finally shining, so encourage employees to get outside for a walk during their breaks. You can also use this season as an opportunity to “spring clean” the office as a team. Take an afternoon to organize and tidy up the office, from employee desks to the lobby to the break room. Having an organized workspace can help employees feel more productive and give them a sense of accomplishment.

Another great way to achieve a positive workplace this spring? Ditch traditional conference room meetings and try outside meetings instead. Your team is sure to appreciate the change of pace, as just being in a different environment can get the creative juices flowing and boost mental health.

Upgrade your Seattle, Tacoma, and Puget Sound break room just in time for spring

Make the most of springtime and give employees break room services they’ll love! Contact Vista Vending at 253.592.2843 for more information about our micro-market, office coffee, office pantry, vending, or water filtration services. We look forward to working with you!

Seattle Break Room | Office Refreshments Online Ordering | Beverages

Vista Vending’s New System Simplifies Online Ordering

Vista Vending proudly offers quality break room services. We also want to make it easy for our clients to order products. Thus, we’ve launched a new online ordering system. Our new ordering system makes ordering refreshments a breeze!

Our new platform helps the businesses, schools, and hotels we serve quickly restock break rooms, school stores, and hotel panties.

Keep reading to learn how our new online ordering system delivers a better experience.

Out with the Old, in with the New!

Our new platform is more user-friendly. It’s also easy to navigate. Users don’t have to click through different pages. Instead, view all products on one page. Therefore, you can order products faster.

You can use the search bar to find the items you need. You can also shop by category. For instance, shop for cold beverages or snacks. Or, shop by product type. You can see images of the items. Get a “quick view” before buying. Thus, you can find the best products for your Seattle, Tacoma, and Puget Sound break room easily and efficiently.

Buy Products for the Hotel Pantry, School Store, or Office Break Room

Order items online for your Seattle, Tacoma, and Puget Sound hotel pantry. We carry many pantry products. For example, shop for snacks or beverages. You can also buy toothpaste and lotion. We’ll deliver them right to your door for free for orders over $200! This can save you time and money.

Seattle Hotel Pantry | Ordering Online | Refreshment Services

You can also shop for break room supplies. Get coffee, snacks, and more! Order everything you need online!

Online Ordering for Hotel Pantries

Hotel managers are busy. They may not have the time to purchase products for the hotel pantry.  Our new online ordering system allows you to order everything you need in one place. Keep the hotel pantry fully stocked and ready for guests. They will love the convenience of being able to buy their favorite snacks, drinks, and toiletries without having to leave the hotel. This boosts customer satisfaction!

Keep Your School Stocked

Our new system is also great for schools! Kids are always hungry. Stock up on snacks to keep students feeling full. As a result, they’ll be more productive and ace their next test!

Snacks are game-day must-haves. Stock the school store using our online ordering system.  Everyone can enjoy their favorite treats throughout the game.

Online Ordering Made Easy

The backend technology of our new online ordering system makes it easy to use. Plus, it’s very convenient because you won’t need to run to a nearby store everytime you run low on products. We designed this system with our customers in mind. Order what you need quickly and efficiently and we’ll do the rest.

Looking for refreshment solutions? Vista Vending is happy to help! Contact us today at 253.592.2843. Or email us at We’ll keep your school, office, and hotel stocked!

Puget Sound Healthy Vending | Keto-Friendly | Break Room Snacks

How to Make Your Seattle, Tacoma, or Puget Sound Office Keto Friendly

Health-based goals are some of the most common New Year’s resolutions. One popular health trend is the keto diet. Show your employees that you support their goals by bringing keto friendly products to the break room! Here’s how you can support your Seattle, Tacoma, or Puget Sound employees who are following that trend.

What Is Keto?

The word keto is short for ketogenic. This diet focuses on eating very limited carbohydrates. Instead, people on this diet get most of their calories from fats and proteins. A keto diet can help people lose weight and keep it off!

How to Bring Keto Friendly Options to the Break Room

Seattle, Tacoma, and Puget Sound break rooms are where employees gather to eat and relax. Yet, sometimes, it can be difficult for employees with specific health goals to find snacks that meet their needs. Fortunately, it’s easy to overcome this challenge. Here’s how:

Add Keto Snacks to Your Break Room

Wondering what keto snacks to add to your Seattle, Tacoma, or Puget Sound micro-market or office pantry? Some popular options include:

  • Nuts: Nuts are nutritious and full of healthy fats and proteins.
  • Plain Greek Yogurt: Greek yogurt generally has more protein and fewer sugars than other yogurts. That makes it a great keto option.
  • Dark Chocolate: When your employees crave a sweet treat, dark chocolate is a healthy choice. It has less sugar than milk chocolate.
  • Beef Jerky: Protein for the win! This snack can give employees a great energy boost without a carb crash.
  • Cheese: Cheese is a favorite for keto dieters. Offer cheese cube trays or include cheese as an add-on for salads.
  • Hard-boiled Eggs: Eggs are great for adding to salads or wraps. They can also be a meal or snack on their own!

These snacks are healthy, and not just for those following a keto diet. Adding these products to your break room is as easy as giving Vista Vending a call.

Tacoma Micro-Market | Healthy Snacks | Keto Refreshments

Consider Keto Food Vending

Today’s Seattle, Tacoma, and Puget Sound vending machines offer much more than soft drinks and snacks. Your employees can even purchase meals and lunches from food vending machines! To cater to employees with healthy eating goals, try some of these options:

  • Salads: Leafy green salads with an oil-based salad dressing are a great choice. Avocados, tomatoes, and cheeses are also great keto-friendly salad ingredients.
  • Wraps: Wraps are a great alternative to sandwiches. Swap a whole wheat tortilla for bread to reduce carbohydrates. Lettuce wraps eliminate carbs completely! Either way, wraps are a great keto-friendly lunch. Add them to your food vending options.
  • Snacks: Products like mixed nuts, beef jerky, and protein bars can be a great compliment to a meal. Plus, these healthy options will support your employee’s health goals.

Provide Keto Beverages

Health-conscious employees also need to watch what they drink. Fortunately, there are many healthy beverages from which to choose.

  • Coffee and Tea: Both coffee and tea are healthy drinks!  Our office coffee service can cater to employees looking for keto-friendly options.  Employees can simply choose options that have no added sugar.
  • Water Service: Unsweetened sparkling water or plain water are also excellent beverage choices.
  • Alternative Beverages: Along with your coffee service, consider offering milk, cream, or unsweetened plant-based dairy alternatives. Keto diet followers will appreciate whole-fat milk and creamer.

A Healthy Break Room for All!

Are you ready to add variety to your Seattle, Tacoma, or Puget Sound break room? Vista Vending is here to help. Contact us at 253.592.2843 or for more information about our break room services. We look forward to helping you create a fantastic, healthy break room!

Seattle Single-Cup Coffee | Office Coffee | Coffee Pods

The Features and Benefits of a Single-Cup Coffee Service for Seattle, Tacoma, and Puget Sound Break Rooms

A great break room can make a great impact on the day-to-day lives of employees. And much of that starts with your office coffee service. It’s how employees start each work day, after all! Therefore, it’s important to provide a customized and modern office coffee experience. That’s where single-cup coffee brewers come in.

With a single-cup coffee service, employees get a personalized cup of coffee. That includes specialty options like flavored lattes, iced coffee, and more. In other words, there’s a cup of coffee to fit everyone’s tastes. Plus, it offers premium coffee options without ever having to leave the office.

If you’re not sure where to start, let us help! Vista Vending will work with your team to create customized refreshment solutions to fit your needs. From hot morning beverages to fresh food for your micro-market, we’ve got you covered.

Are you ready to upgrade to a single-cup coffee service? Keep reading for everything you need to know about how it can benefit Seattle, Tacoma, and Puget Sound break rooms.

Benefits of a single-cup coffee service

Mornings are made better with a fresh cup of coffee, and a single-cup brewer ensures that every time. Staff will get a personalized cup of coffee each morning, serving a variety of different options from lattes to cappuccinos to black brewed coffee and even hot tea. They’re sure to appreciate it!

Seattle Micro-Market | Office Pantry | Break Room Coffee

However, the staff isn’t the only one who benefits. The business does too! By keeping employees energized and focused throughout the day, they’ll be more productive. Not only that, but when they spend time in the break room, it helps your team build stronger social bonds in the office. That means more collaboration and innovative ideas.

A great addition to your break room

No break room is complete without a high-quality coffee service. Fortunately, you can enhance any micro-market or office pantry service with a single-cup coffee brewer. A single-cup coffee brewer is an easy way to surprise and delight your employees this season and beyond. They’ll love the variety of options and starting the work day on the right foot.

Upgrade your office coffee service with sustainable choices

Now more than ever, it’s important to keep eco-conscious choices in mind. And that includes the products you use in your break room. Vista Vending can help you turn your break room green! We use less outer packaging on single-cup coffee brewers and the coffee pods are biodegradable, meaning less landfill waste. This creates a personalized cup of coffee that employees can feel good about. Plus, you won’t have to throw out unused brewed coffee, since everyone gets their own fresh cup!

Give Seattle, Tacoma, and Puget Sound staff single-cup coffee!

Satisfied employees are happy employees. So give them the best break room services with tasty food, beverages, and coffee! Contact Vista Vending at 253.592.2843 or for more information about our micro-market, office coffee, office pantry, vending, or water filtration services. We look forward to making you the best Seattle, Tacoma, and Puget Sound break room!

Seattle Candy | Gluten-Free Micro-Market | Office Pantry

4 Tasty Gluten-Free Candy Options for Seattle Break Rooms

October is candy month with many celebrating Halloween so it’s important to make sure your whole team can enjoy some sweet treats. Those who are gluten-free also deserve something tasty. Wondering how to include everyone? This list of gluten-free candy options includes great choices that everyone will love!

4 Fabulous Gluten-Free Candy Options

Any of these gluten-free candy choices are sure to be a hit with your Seattle, Tacoma, or Puget Sound staff. So, pick one, two, or even three to make for fun, energizing October meetings.

1. Justin’s Organic Mini Peanut Butter Cups Dark Chocolate

A delicious twist on traditional Peanut Butter Cups, Justin’s version features dark chocolate. Not only that, but their mini size makes them easy to enjoy and share without over-indulging. Plus, they’re organic, which may be important to some of your employees. This gluten-free candy is sure to be a crowd-pleaser. So, contact the Vista Vending team to order them for your break room micro-market!

2. Dark Chocolate Peanut M&M’s

Grab some M&Ms and a cup of hot coffee for a perfect break. M&Ms are a classic candy loved by everyone. Plus, they’re gluten-free! Adding a bowl of dark chocolate peanut M&Ms to your break room makes for a great employee perk.

Seattle Gluten-Free Candy | Office Snacks | Vending Machines

You can even use these M&Ms as a team builder! Simply make a list of questions, one for each color of M&M. Then, have each team member grab a handful. Each person has to answer the questions associated with the color of M&Ms they picked out. Your Seattle, Tacoma, or Puget Sound team will love this game and sweet treat.

3. Snickers Candy Bars

Did you know that Snickers bars don’t contain gluten? The tasty nougat is made of whipped egg white and sweeteners. So, it’s an excellent option for those on a gluten-free diet.

Pick up a Snickers from the Seattle, Tacoma, or Puget Sound vending machine to get you through the afternoon slump. This tasty candy is the perfect addition to your break room. Whether you prefer mini candy bars or full-size bars, Snickers has them. Score!

4. Enjoy Life Chocolate Bar Ricemilk Crunch

Enjoy Life goes the extra mile to make this chocolate bar in a nut and gluten-free facility. So, if anyone in your Seattle team has severe allergies, this candy is the one to choose. Some tasty chocolate alongside a cup of coffee is the perfect pick-me-up. It will cheer up your staff, helping improve productivity. Order these chocolate bars for your Seattle, Tacoma, and Puget Sound office pantry to treat your staff to something sweet this season.

Bring Gluten-Free Candy to Your Break Room

Adding candy to the break room can help create a positive workplace environment. Offering a variety of candy options to your staff shows how much you value them. Specifically, including gluten-free options will show your staff you care enough to meet their needs. When your team feels appreciated, they’re more productive and loyal to your company. This makes it a win for the employees and the business!

Contact Vista Vending at (253) 592-2843 or to learn how you can order any of these candies for your organization’s break room. We look forward to hearing from you!